French for Expats

Having chatted to many of my English friends who have settled in La Belle France in the heart of the Charente, close to our French home, I am acutely aware that you need to be able to understand some French (even when they are speaking very quickly) and make yourself understood in different everyday situations.

N’inquiétez pas !! (don’t worry) this can be achieved. Whatever your level of French I would like to offer conversation classes focussing on role plays in various scenarios, for instance chez le médecin  (at the doctor’s) where you will be having basic conversation using the vocab you need to be able to understand the questions asked and explain what is wrong with you (some learning of basis vocab will be needed after the lesson). Classes will be fun and engaging but above all useful!

Other scenarios could be asking where something is at the supermarket, or buying a new pair of shoes in a shop, or asking for a different size.

We will then progress to a visit to hospital and explaining what is wrong with you, or a member of your family, speaking  to the plumber, electrician or the Trésor Public and learning  how to make yourself understood.

The lessons will be dictated by yourselves as we can cover any area you need to make you feel more confident about living in France.

These lessons can be conducted in the shade in my garden in France when I am there (end of May to early July and September/October this year) or indoors if it’s too hot.  When I am in England, we can continue the lessons over Zoom.

Classes will be small - minimum 3 people, maximum 8 and will be weekly or twice weekly subject to demand.

Price – 12 euros per person

Please email me on

A bientôt!